Remember me?
Hello. It me.
Wow, it's been a while. A whole year! Not quite, but the calendar doesn't lie. It turns out I'm pretty terrible at this self-motivated blogging thing. As soon as a few other things popped up this blog slid right to the bottom of my To-Do list, and then promptly fell off completely.
But it is a new year! And while I am still the same me, I do have a new schedule that will be far more conducive to maintaining a blog, and actually making a proper go out of it.
First things first though: what have I been spending my time doing, if not writing here? Well, little lady, let me elucidate here...
I had an internship with Boston magazine!
I spent most of my days these past several months working at Boston mag, and writing some pretty cool stories for them which I will be sharing to here over the next couple of days! I really got a chance to improve my photography skills, as they were more than happy to let me go and shoot my own art for pieces, and I even got to put together a video for one piece. I got some beautiful clips out of my time there that I'm really proud of, and can't wait to show them off. I was even asked to write a travel piece for the print magazine! I can't wait to pick a copy up in the next few days.
I got a camera!
Since nabbing my brother's neglected Nikon DSLR over summer to take photos while on the road trip this summer, and using a big fancy camera I rented from school for a bunch of projects I worked on this semester, I had the realisation that the camera on my iPhone, while good, isn't nearly as high quality as that of a proper camera. Go figure. So for my birthday, I hunted down a second hand Nikon D5300 with a zoom lens online, and just a week ago for Christmas got a second, wide angle lens for it. I've loved getting to know it, and use it, and can't wait to share some of the pictures I've taken with it on here. Which leads me nicely onto some of the things I took photos of...
I travelled!
While not nearly as much as Lia would've liked, I travelled a decent amount for someone making absolutely no money! While I'll detail the trips and share some photos in separate posts to come, in the last few months I've been to Issaquah, Washington (my dad's new home on the opposite side of the country to me) twice, popped back to Raleigh to see Mum for Thanksgiving, and took a road trip with Lia and some of her friends to Acadia National Park, all the way at the tip of Maine. It is absolutely stunning up there. Lia and I also booked some trips for the upcoming year, to Mexico City (!!) in February, and I'm heading to LA in March to see all my friends who have left me to! But before I get too ahead of myself, lastly...
I took my capstone class!
As with most colleges, Emerson has a final big practicum class for each of its majors, which is tailored to what kind of branch of the field of study you're most interested in. I plumped for the Online Publishing capstone, as it seemed most relevant going forward in this #digital age, and got to make an awesome, interactive, media heavy iBook for the final project, and profile one of the coolest people I have the privilege of knowing. If you've read some of my earlier work on here, you may recognise her... I'll be posting a link to it in a separate post in the next few days!
I'm here. I'm back. And for the next few weeks at least, there will be some new stuff coming on here, starting with music.