Welcome to my blog. Much like the rest of my life, it's still a work in progress, but you're very welcome to take a look around. I hope you like what you see and read. And if you don't... That's why the comments are disabled.
"If music be the food of love, play on," was my first line as Duke Orsino in my Year 8 production of Twelfth Night. While the snub of not being awarded a Colours Tie like every other member of the main cast still burns daily, I'm more in love with music than ever. I even have a tattoo of a phonograph, not because I'm hip enough to listen to records, but because it's such an iconic image that evokes such sweet sounds.
Midway through the year, I decided to start making monthly playlists, both to share with a few friends and also document what I was listening to on a given month for future Lloyd. I'm not sure it's music that the primary readers of this blog — my grandparents — will enjoy, but I'm sharing them here nevertheless. Play on.