Spec work for Harry's
Wanting to demonstrate my copywriting skills in the context of a brand I admire, I decided to put together some spec work for Harry’s, the men’s razor and care company. Harry’s was one of the first brands I fell in love with after moving to the USA, where the DTC model of caring, innovative companies was just beginning to gain traction following Warby Parker’s breakthrough. I wasn’t wearing glasses at the time, but I was shaving! With this passion in mind and a desire to test myself creatively, I crafted the following short form copy for various placements I’d observed utilized across their brand experience — emails, website, and display ads.
Subject lines:
Change is coming
Don’t delay. Your face will thank you.
Time for a clean break
And now, for a smooth transition
Time for new blades
You should change your blade once every 6-8 shaves, so are you due for a fresh set? Our subscription services take all the thought out of ordering new ones… Just sayin’.
Homepage Lines
Display Ads
The last razor ad you'll ever need to read.
You: Wants excellent, reasonably priced razors. Us: That.
Higher quality for lower cost. Seriously.